• Fluctuating Temperatures. If different rooms have varying temperatures – say, you freeze in the kitchen but feel too warm in your living room – that’s a clear sign your house is under-insulated.
  • High Energy Bills. Examine your past few years of utility bills to see if they have been creeping up. If you’re regularly paying hundreds of dollars a month in utilities, it’s worth a quick call to have an insulation specialist inspect your attic for proper insulation.
  • HVAC system runs constantly or has recently been serviced. A telltale sign of under insulation is if you have had your HVAC system serviced recently and still find areas of your home to be less comfortable than others. A constantly running system could be due to a combination of HVAC issues, duct issues, and/or poor insulation.
  • Freezing Pipes. If you have pipes (especially on outside walls) that freeze during winter, you need an insulation upgrade.
  • Drafts. During the winter months, drafts in certain areas of a home are caused by cool air entering around window frames and doorways. By having extra insulation added to these areas, you and your family can avoid having to cope with chilly drafts. Talk to us about super sealing, replacing door seals, and weather stripping.